Xiaoqi Zheng
Personal Geography
Xiaoqi is a Chinese photographer based in London. She works experimentally with traditional photographic processes. The combination of visual, tactile, and haptic vision in the working process is a crucial part of her works. Her practice revolves around the exploration of everyday life and emotional geography, intertwining bodily sensations with spatial experiences.
Through the body, she attempts to explore the emotions and thoughts in our daily life. Walking is a basic form of experiencing the city, and the traces we left in everyday life are intertwined with the specific paths formed by each person and their movement, which play an important role in structuring the urban system and discovering ourselves.
Photography is a mute form of expression, extending an invitation is issued to engage with the photos. Photographs are more than mere visual representations; they are physical objects that exist in both time and space, profoundly influencing our social and cultural experiences.
Within these photos, subjective, embodied, and sensuous interactions are enmeshed, creating a powerful interplay between the observer and the observed. As the most direct and intimate geography we can sense, the body becomes a site for experiencing and expressing emotions, abstractly yet tangibly shaping our spatial perception. Thus, a unique space emerges where photographs become meaningful interlocutors, prompting contemplation and dialogue.